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Have you registered for the Bridge Hub trans-Tasman Water Challenge?

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

Researchers and startups on both sides of the Tasman are currently submitting their applications to the Bridge Hub trans-Tasman Water Challenge. It’s an exciting time. Despite the travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19, water continues to be our most important natural resource.

In Australia, drought has had a significant impact on farmers and growers. Longer term, climate change is only likely to make the availability of water more challenging. Managing this resource more effectively is imperative.

In New Zealand, farmers, particularly in Northland and Hawkes Bay, also experienced the effects of drought earlier this year. Expect climate extremes to become more commonplace. The impact on our agrifood systems is real.

Water quality is also a major issue. Excessive run-off and poor management of nutrients has led to a degradation of the quality of our waterways. Identifying solutions to address these collective challenges is the key purpose behind the Water Challenge.

If you are an Australian or New Zealand research organisation or startup business building solutions to address these issues, we urge you to enter the Challenge. We’ve extended the registration period to Friday 28 August to allow more time for applicants to register their interest.

Over $250,000 of prizes and investment is on offer to those entering the Challenge. Perhaps more importantly, so is the opportunity to field trial those solutions on both sides of the Tasman.

It’s a fantastic opportunity to increase your visibility and identify potential partners to collaborate and grow.

As we continue to face the reality of closed borders, the ability of Australian & New Zealand researchers and entrepreneurs to work together is growing in importance. It is one of the foundations behind the launch of the Australia New Zealand Agritech Council; to leverage the region’s growing agritech sector and be good for the world.

To register your interest in the Water Challenge, please go to The website provides all the details you will need to know to apply.

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